I've got anxiety about my work about anxiety
I'm a walking performance art
No need to buy tickets
Just come up to my bedroom, there is an installation happening 24/7
It's so immersive I'll let you get inside my head
Inside my head with all these words you're not actually speaking and all these thoughts you're not actually thinking
Rehearsal room merged into reality
Making work that triggers the unknown, the instability, the insecure
Keep CALM they say
Capital letters and emphasised syllables
Ok great, let me just put another thing on my to-do list
The one I left in the bathroom
The one I tried to flush down the toliet
The one I tried to clean my teeth with so that it imprints onto the roof of my mouth
Got to, must do, must have, can't stop, can't chat, I'm working can't you see?
(She says from blank eyes, blank screen, blank mind)
A tiny bit of my heart seeps out every time I talk about the show
I'm nervous to tell you, yet desperate for you to love it
Yet I have no idea how to do this and I'm short on time
I've got anxiety about my work on anxiety
Come see
We'll share, breath, laugh, dance and hopefully find
Some sort of peace offering with my butterfly mind
Weight/Wait is coming to Brighton Fringe, 18-19 May, 1pm, The Warren: The Blockhouse. Tix: https://bit.ly/2Vjru52